
The popular 8bit demo by TAQUART.

Released at Lato Ludzików 2002 in Opalenica, Poland. The WINNER at demo compo on this party.

# technical details

  • Flash and spin
    flash and spin flash and spin
    80x56, 9++, 2 frames
    idea, code: Eru, Fox
  • Portal engine
    portal engine portal engine portal engine
    80x48, 10++/9++
    idea, maps, code: Fox gfx: Dracon
  • Rotated tunnels
    rotated tunnels rotated tunnels
    80x56, 10++, 2 frames
    idea: Fox code: Eru, Fox
  • Environment mapping
    environment mapping environment mapping environment mapping
    56x56, 9++
    idea, objects, code: Fox
  • Bump mapping
    bump mapping bump mapping
    152x96, HIP+, 4 frames
    idea: Heaven code: Fox
  • Ray-shaded tunnel
    ray-shaded tunnel ray-shaded tunnel
    80x59, 9++, 2 frames
    idea, code: Eru
  • Recursive zoomer
    recursive zoomer recursive zoomer recursive zoomer
    60x59, 9++, 3 frames
    idea: Eru, Fox code: Fox
  • Interference and transparency
    interference and transparency interference and transparency interference and transparency interference and transparency
    80x54, 9++, 2 frames
    idea: Fox, Heaven code: Fox gfx: Dracon
  • Eru plasma
    eru plasma eru plasma
    80x56, 9++, 2 frames
    idea, code: Eru, Fox
  • LBS plasma
    160x118, TIP, 4 frames
    idea: Eru code: Fox gfx: Slaves
  • Tunnel puzzle
    tunnel puzzle tunnel puzzle tunnel puzzle tunnel puzzle
    80x56, 9++, 2 frames
    idea, code: Eru
  • Rubik's cube
    rubik's puzzle rubik's puzzle rubik's puzzle
    64x59, 10++, 2-3 frames
    idea, code: Fox
  • Motion capture
    motion capture
    128x118, 7, 2 frames
    idea: Eru anim: converted code: Fox
  • Turbo vectys
    turbo vectys turbo vectys turbo vectys
    128x236, TV!, 1 frame
    idea, code: Fox
  • Scrolled bump mapping
    scrolled bump mapping scrolled bump mapping
    80x59, 9++, 2 frames
    idea: Fox code: Eru

  • Diablik
    160x192, HR
    gfx: Dracon (based on original art by Piotr Zdrzyniecki)
  • "Numen" title screen
    160x118, TIP
    gfx: Dracon
  • Babka
    256x239, HR
    gfx: Dracon (based on orginal art by someone else)
  • Big "Taquart" logo
    390x116, 256
    gfx: Dracon
  • Musk
    160x96, TIP
    gfx: Dracon

  1. 384-byte DOS - code: Fox
  2. Menu - idea, code: Fox gfx: Dracon
  3. DEFLATE depacker - code: Fox
  4. Soundtrack - msx: X-Ray, code: Fox
Powered by

  1. xasm - cross-assembler with original syntax extensions
  2. Code-Genie - programmer's editor for Windows, no longer maintained (Fox's current choice is SciTE)
  3. Atari800Win Plus - best Atari emulator at that time
  4. Java - we have coded various converters in Java
  5. DJGPP - we used some GNU tools
  6. Ken Silverman's "Build" editor - the very same editor Duke Nukem 3D levels were created in

© 2002-2012 by TAQUART group.